The first two options enable specification of how the MAC addresses of every virtual network card should be handled. They can either be reinitialized, which is the default setting, left unchanged (keepallmacs) or left unchanged when the network type is NAT (keepnatmacs).

  1. Virtual Scsi Controller
OptionsMac option key

Using this network mode within VMware Workstation 12 Pro makes a virtual machine appear as another physical computer on a network. A virtual switch that includes the host computer's NIC, allowing a virtual machine to be part of the physical network. A VMware Workstation 12 Pro feature that allows you to automate the installation of recent Windows and Linux operating systems. A virtual switch that isolates the virtual machine from the physical network but allows communication with the host computer.

Virtual Scsi Controller

A virtual switch that is connected to an internal virtual network that includes itself, the host computer, and any other virtual machines that are configured to use it. A device that uses ports to connect multiple NICs to the same network and uses MAC addresses to determine which port traffic is to be sent to. A code that identifies a virtual machine and is part of a machine's physical network address. A software emulated device that provides access to virtual networks.

A type of firmware that is limited to 16-bit processor mode and can be used to edit settings stored in a CMOS. A type of firmware that provides support for newer processors, booting from large partitions, and an advanced graphical user interface. Best internet downloader for mac.