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Welcome to The KamKam Foundation. KamKam stands for Keeping Abused Misfortunate Kids Alive and Motivated. The KAMKAM Foundation is a nonprofit organization designed to help and serve every child who needs support. We are to meet their needs, and to reach each and every one based on their wishes. We are dedicated to helping all types of children without any consideration of class, color, creed, or condition. We exist because we want to help those who seek help, speak for those who can’t speak, listen to those who want their voices to be heard, and enlighten the path of those who for long have lived in darkness, and last but not least, we want those tears that once were shed because of sadness and grief, to be tears of joy and pride. Our approach is to reach every child with open arms, and attend to their needs.

Much of the problem is due to a lack of available financial capabilities needed to support the escalating number of poor, abused, and neglected children. Our organization is designed to assist the world’s poorest children, by feeding them and providing them with basic life necessities such as school supplies, clothes, and shelter. In addition, assist them with medical and surgical services, and provide for those with special needs. The KAMKAM foundation does not limit itself to only feeding the starving children, but it continually expands its horizons to offer multiple solutions depending on the needs of the children. Our foundation depends on people like you and I to help us help others. As part of the human race, it is our duty to see to it that we end the agony that these children undergo.

All interested contributors will receive updated reports in terms of the allocation of resources as they will be updated here on our site. The KAMKAM Foundation will uphold the core values and ethics of the organization that will guide us to fulfill our mission. We are pledged to hold our integrity and honesty in serving our purpose, and are fully committed to allocate all our funding and resources tactfully. We hope to expand to reach out to other at risk kids worldwide. We are very confident that we will be able to work hand in hand with other humanitarian organizations in the future, and take actions aimed to save abandoned, neglected, and poor children around the world.

Thats a good question. I have to say, after a fairly slow start I am loving Season 5 of NYC. I hope there is a season 6, though I guess its a bit early to speculate on that yet. For me, I think the new ladies are working well. Carole is my fave, I adore her and I think shes fabulous on the show. She totally gets how ridiculous they all are Id love her to come back for another season. Heather Im liking more and more, I wasnt sure at first, but I just love how she totally pushes crazy Ramonas buttons, and she totally doesnt care either!

Aviva is a bit bland I admit, but I just cant wait for her to utter the whole 'white trash' comment! Never a truer word spoken if you ask me! Im not sure I can see Aviva wanting to come back though, even if she was asked. I dont think shes entirely thrilled with either the show itself, or the other women!

If you have read her Bravo blogs she seems kind of embaressed by the whole experience. As for Ramona, Sonja, and Lu. I cant see Ramona leaving the show, not unless its her choice anyway, I think Bravo love how insane she is. She brings the drama. Ive started to go off Sonja this season, I used to like her, I thought she was a bit silly and fun, but she just gets on my nerves now.

Though I think thats Ramonas influence, the two of them together are just:eek: as for Lu, Im no fan, but she cracks me up and I love how totally classless she is, whilst banging on about 'etiquette' and 'class':rolleyes: I really didnt like Jill, but Id love to see her back. She was a nightmare, but she was great tv.

I dont see her being brought back though, that be like admitting they made a mistake axing her, and I dont see Bravo ever doing that! This comment is like you just read my mind! Except the not liking Jill, I adored her and Kelly.

I haven't read Avivas blogs but i've seen some of her tweets, especially the one the other week when her and Ramona were arguing. I think for me the only one I want to see leave is Sonja.

Hope Heather comes back & Carole is a MUST come back, one of the best housewives ever on all the shows. Any news on the OC and who's back for Season 8? Really want Jeana back and Heather to go!:D.

What the hell is wrong with Aviva. She came across as a screwed up insecure idiot this week. Loved the shots of Lu when Ramona was flirting with Johnny Depp, even though it was Sonja who scored.

Do the women ever think about the impression they leave on viewers? Some of the stuff they come out with I wouldn't want aired in private, never mind national television. Dont tell me their social circle hasn't shrunk as they've made bigger and bigger idiots of themselves.

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I'd run a mile. I'm liking Heather more now, but Carole is sheer class. Watch and weep as to what real etiquette is, Lu. Did someone mention NJ is going to be aired on the Bio channel? I've looked everywhere for this information but can't find it anywhere. The Bio channel website has season 3 clips on there though.

Snow leopard designs tribal. It starts on Monday 17th September, 9pm, taking the old BH'slot. Whilst I am here can I ask for views on Kelly. The NY series 4 currently being shown is bemusing me, and also boring me (Luann and her singing, Luann and her video Zzzz). The nastiness tiowards Alex i don't get and Kelly seems to say some rather spiteful things, which is surprising considering how she took the moral high ground last series about 'attacking'. My views on Kelly shift from positive to negative.

Part of me thinks she is nice, but another part of me has the view that she is one of those women who play on the fact that they are 'in their own world' and use this as a cover to fire off nastiness. Kelly - yay or nay, and have I got her wrong? It starts on Monday 17th September, 9pm, taking the old BH'slot. Whilst I am here can I ask for views on Kelly.

The NY series 4 currently being shown is bemusing me, and also boring me Kelly - yay or nay, and have I got her wrong? Nope, she's certifiably insane IMO and lives in her happy little Kelly bubble. Is that the series with 'Scary Island'? Because if it is and you haven't watched it, you're in for quite a ride.

She's bonkers which is probably why they axed her. I didn't mind Alex and I really miss Jill. If only they'd kicked out ruddy Luann instead. I loathe her and her phony class and belief she's better than the others.

It starts on Monday 17th September, 9pm, taking the old BH'slot. Whilst I am here can I ask for views on Kelly. The NY series 4 currently being shown is bemusing me, and also boring me (Luann and her singing, Luann and her video Zzzz). The nastiness tiowards Alex i don't get and Kelly seems to say some rather spiteful things, which is surprising considering how she took the moral high ground last series about 'attacking'.

My views on Kelly shift from positive to negative. Part of me thinks she is nice, but another part of me has the view that she is one of those women who play on the fact that they are 'in their own world' and use this as a cover to fire off nastiness. Kelly - yay or nay, and have I got her wrong? I am on series 4.I must be odd as I like Luann,Jill and Kelly.dont like Ramona but glsd she is in it if that makes sense.I dont like Sonja.doesnt live in the real world.I cannot stand Alex.I cant warm to her at all.cant explain why but she irritates the hell out of me.her other half Simon winds me up even more.Alex to me is the biggest stirrer of them all,always makes sure she passes on where she is invited to from one group to another to mix it up.I really dont like her. Todays episode is Luann meeting Natalie Cole. This comment is like you just read my mind! Hope Heather comes back & Carole is a MUST come back, one of the best housewives ever on all the shows.

We must be on the same wavelength Andrew! Great minds and all that.haha Your right about Carole, she is propably one of my fave housewives from across the franchise. Well, actually, Carole and Phaedra from RHOA- I adore fabulous Phaedra Just caught up with the latest from NY and OMG, Aviva acted like a lunatic this week. She went completely off the deep end the way she reacted. She uttered the infamous 'white trash' comment, and whilst I do pretty much agree with everything she said about Ramona, 'ungracious' 'Inelegant' 'mean' She didnt do herself any favours either. I did love Lu slyly getting her 2cents worth in though and 'casually' mentioning the convo they had about who was going to ask Reid to leave!

Typical Luann, light the touch paper then slink off to the sidelines, watch the drama erupt, and then deny any part of it, Shes just too classy is our Countess!:rolleyes: I also loved Ramona running around the villa trying to catch Tomas out on his night with Lu. He realised the only way to get these crazy women off his back was to sleep with one of them, lucky Sonja won that prize! Poor Heather, first shes privvy to Lus little indiscretion with Tomas, next shes walking in on Sonja and Tomas getting up close and personal!:eek: I really didnt like Aviva reeling off her list of accolades either, she has a law degree, went to Vasser, speaks multiple languages. It was as if she was trying to make Sonja look like an idiot. Agree with kimkam, Sonja might be a bit trash tastic, but its not about where she went to school or how many languages she speaks. I though that was pretty low and classless behaviour from Aviva, and I was surprised at her. Thanks for all the input about Kelly.

I really dislike women who throw out mean comments and then as soon as it starts coming back then cry 'I'm being bullied, I'm being attacked', and this is what Kelly does. I could not make out though if it was calculated, but I think not, she is in her own world.

I have seen the Scary Island stuff:eek:and now in Series 4 she has a problem with Alex and Simon. Kelly keeps going on about Simon's 'mean tweeting', and again I am not sure if this is real or not. Simon is a bit too much, but I like Alex and whilst I can see why others don't, to me she is the one who suffers most being in a group of women who think the way to get your point across is to keep saying it and talk over the other person. Now that is scary. I am on series 4.I must be odd as I like Luann,Jill and Kelly.dont like Ramona but glsd she is in it if that makes sense.I dont like Sonja.doesnt live in the real world.I cannot stand Alex.I cant warm to her at all.cant explain why but she irritates the hell out of me.her other half Simon winds me up even more.Alex to me is the biggest stirrer of them all,always makes sure she passes on where she is invited to from one group to another to mix it up.I really dont like her.

Completely agree with this. Especially not warming to Alex, I never could. I think Simon played a big part in that though. Either that or because she sided Bethanny in Series 3 and I loathed Bethanny. Was glad to have Simon gone but now Mario seems to be the new Simon, was a blessing not to see him this week, it really changed the dynamics. We must be on the same wavelength Andrew!

Great minds and all that.haha Your right about Carole, she is propably one of my fave housewives from across the franchise. Well, actually, Carole and Phaedra from RHOA- I adore fabulous Phaedra Just caught up with the latest from NY and OMG, Aviva acted like a lunatic this week.

She went completely off the deep end the way she reacted. She uttered the infamous 'white trash' comment, and whilst I do pretty much agree with everything she said about Ramona, 'ungracious' 'Inelegant' 'mean' She didnt do herself any favours either. I did love Lu slyly getting her 2cents worth in though and 'casually' mentioning the convo they had about who was going to ask Reid to leave!

Typical Luann, light the touch paper then slink off to the sidelines, watch the drama erupt, and then deny any part of it, Shes just too classy is our Countess!:rolleyes: I also loved Ramona running around the villa trying to catch Tomas out on his night with Lu. He realised the only way to get these crazy women off his back was to sleep with one of them, lucky Sonja won that prize! Poor Heather, first shes privvy to Lus little indiscretion with Tomas, next shes walking in on Sonja and Tomas getting up close and personal!:eek: I really didnt like Aviva reeling off her list of accolades either, she has a law degree, went to Vasser, speaks multiple languages.

It was as if she was trying to make Sonja look like an idiot. Agree with kimkam, Sonja might be a bit trash tastic, but its not about where she went to school or how many languages she speaks. I though that was pretty low and classless behaviour from Aviva, and I was surprised at her. Your so right! IMO Aviva only reacted like this to keep her place on the show because lets face it she hasn't done much else. Carole has her comedy & Heather winds Ramona up so they'd be safe on the show where as all Aviva does is whine about things.

But i'm not hating because I loved her outburst. It was long overdue. Absolutely loved Lu's smirk as the argument happened, she couldn't even keep it hidden. Such a class act when she dropped Ramona in it casually then played nun when she was confronted for it. The Countess really won me back for instigating all that - and the smirk was the cherry on the cake.

However when she tried to belittle Sonja -who I strongly dislike btw- I thought that was very low of her. Next weeks looks great again and looks as if we'll finally get more of Heather who looked liked she just blown up at them.

This season has really just spiced up, i love the holidays in NY thats where all the drama happens (Scary Island, Ramonas boat trip, Lu's Holiday). Still very curious for the reunion and how it will turn out. Anyone any idea when Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills Season 3 is going to be shown on UK tv? I know the OC new one start on 11th Sep The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills Season 3 hasn't aired in the US yet so it's going to be a while sorry But I think it will start in America after Real Housewives Of New York finished so around late October/Early November.

If anyone wanted to watch the Real Housewives of Miami the first episode of Season 2 has been put on an on demand service in the US and someone has recorded it and put it on. It's recorded off a tv but still watchable. Mama Elsa steals the show though! She's hilarious. Your so right! IMO Aviva only reacted like this to keep her place on the show because lets face it she hasn't done much else. I did wonder that myself, if maybe this was her way of being like 'Look, I can bring the drama too' You do find that on the Housewives shows, towards the end of each season a few of the ladies decide to up their crazy, as if they are trying to get their place back for next season.

As you say, of the new girls Carole and Heather have certainly upstaged Aviva. She did act crazy this week, but I loved it aswell.

It made for great tv! And whatever else happens, I think shes got herself a place in NY Housewives history with that 'White Trash' comment! If anyone wanted to watch the Real Housewives of Miami the first episode of Season 2 has been put on an on demand service in the US and someone has recorded it and put it on.

It's recorded off a tv but still watchable. Mama Elsa steals the show though! She's hilarious I watched a few mins of this aswell.

Im going to wait till it comes our properly to watch it all. But I was curious to see the opening titles I love the openings of the Housewives shows lol This looks like its going to be good though, I only watched 5mins worth and already it seems better than season 1! Not that it would be hard Did you watch it all kimkam?

What did you think of it? Im glad they have kept Adrianna, I loved her before. And of course they had to bring Mama Elsa back- she scares the life out of me:eek: but shes so entertaining! I was watching the preview for this season again, and at the end Adriana bitch slaps someone does anyone know who it is? I cant quite work it out, looks like one of the newbies, Joanna, or Lisa? I did wonder that myself, if maybe this was her way of being like 'Look, I can bring the drama too' You do find that on the Housewives shows, towards the end of each season a few of the ladies decide to up their crazy, as if they are trying to get their place back for next season.

As you say, of the new girls Carole and Heather have certainly upstaged Aviva. She did act crazy this week, but I loved it aswell. It made for great tv! And whatever else happens, I think shes got herself a place in NY Housewives history with that 'White Trash' comment! The white trash comment is second only to Caroles 'I heard two male voices.and one was Luanns'. Best line ever.

I did wonder that myself, if maybe this was her way of being like 'Look, I can bring the drama too' You do find that on the Housewives shows, towards the end of each season a few of the ladies decide to up their crazy, as if they are trying to get their place back for next season. As you say, of the new girls Carole and Heather have certainly upstaged Aviva. She did act crazy this week, but I loved it aswell. It made for great tv! And whatever else happens, I think shes got herself a place in NY Housewives history with that 'White Trash' comment! I watched a few mins of this aswell.

Im going to wait till it comes our properly to watch it all. But I was curious to see the opening titles I love the openings of the Housewives shows lol This looks like its going to be good though, I only watched 5mins worth and already it seems better than season 1! Not that it would be hard Did you watch it all kimkam? What did you think of it? Im glad they have kept Adrianna, I loved her before.

Joe Kim Kim Chee

And of course they had to bring Mama Elsa back- she scares the life out of me:eek: but shes so entertaining! I was watching the preview for this season again, and at the end Adriana bitch slaps someone does anyone know who it is? I cant quite work it out, looks like one of the newbies, Joanna, or Lisa? Yeah I watched it all. I haven't got the willpower to resist lol but it was good.

Not too much happened but I guess there wouldn't be as it's the premier and with so many new girls. It was mainly just introducing us to each of them but there already seems some tension between some of the ladies which I won't spoil. I liked how wide the variety of jobs the women had was.

There were dentists, lawyers, models, art dealers and of course one actual housewife!:eek: but like I said before Mama Elsa just completely stole the show. I would tune in just for her. And yes it was Joanna I think getting a slap Talking about housewives who bring the drama at the end of a season, you have to mention the RHOC girls and particularly Tamra, just think at the last 3 finales she told Simon she wanted a divorce, threw a drink at Jeana and got in a huge screaming fight with Vicki.

That girl sure knows how to ensure she'll be back for the next season RHONJ are also filming the reunion today and a pic of the set. Yeah I watched it all. I haven't got the willpower to resist lol but it was good.

Not too much happened but I guess there wouldn't be as it's the premier and with so many new girls. It was mainly just introducing us to each of them but there already seems some tension between some of the ladies which I won't spoil.

Kim Kim Cattrall Net Worth

I liked how wide the variety of jobs the women had was. There were dentists, lawyers, models, art dealers and of course one actual housewife!:eek: but like I said before Mama Elsa just completely stole the show. I would tune in just for her. And yes it was Joanna I think getting a slap Talking about housewives who bring the drama at the end of a season, you have to mention the RHOC girls and particularly Tamra, just think at the last 3 finales she told Simon she wanted a divorce, threw a drink at Jeana and got in a huge screaming fight with Vicki.

That girl sure knows how to ensure she'll be back for the next season RHONJ are also filming the reunion today and a pic of the set Ooh thanks kimkam- Im really quite looking forward to the new Miami now. If they get it right this time, I think the Miami ladies could have real potential! Your right about Mama Elsa, she was without a doubt the star turn of the first season and Im so glad shes back.

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Mind you, she does terrify me aswell:eek: She, and Adrianna were the best things about the first season for me. I hated Cristy so Im glad they got rid of her. Your so right about Tamra, she knows exactly how to ensure she gets asked back for another season. Tamra is wise to the game, she knows what people want to see and she brings it in spades when she needs to!

Thanks for the pic of the NJ reunion set!! Im actually so excited to see this reunion, its going to be crazy Ive no doubt! I hope Andy has bodyguards and is wearing the body armour, I have a feeling he will need it Its going to go OFF when these ladies get in a room together, and we all know Tre wont sit there quietly! Absolutely, I think she has been the best recieved of the new ladies aswell.

She and Phaedra from Atlanta are my 2 fave housewives of all the ladies at the minute. Your so right about Tamra, she knows exactly how to ensure she gets asked back for another season. Tamra is wise to the game, she knows what people want to see and she brings it in spades when she needs to!

I Haven't watched Atlanta I only watch the NY ladies & OC as that's all i've seen ITV2 air, but watched an episode of Miami online and wasn't into it, I think it's because it's not the same as properly watching it. Hope ITV2 decide to take on other Housewive shows though. Talking about housewives who bring the drama at the end of a season, you have to mention the RHOC girls and particularly Tamra, just think at the last 3 finales she told Simon she wanted a divorce, threw a drink at Jeana and got in a huge screaming fight with Vicki. That girl sure knows how to ensure she'll be back for the next season Tamra- Ughh. Tamra is one of those people I love to hate, she's a class act but very malicious, especially after throwing a drink in Jeana's face, but Jeana said she felt set up by producers when that happened so Tamra may be a puppet, I don't know. However saying that if Tamra left the show it wouldn't be half as good as it is as she always brings it. The OC ladies for me have all become dislikeable to some extent.

I used to love gretchen but after this series of her and Tamra being best friends I've gone off her. I'm starting to warm to Alexis and I'm glad Vicki is getting a taste of her own medicine (being left out) after how cold she was to Lynne, constantly leaving her out. I miss Lynne and her troublesome daughters though as well as Jeana. This Heather Dubrow woman I do not like, can't warm to her at all. There's one thing about the OC ladies though, they all seem genuine 'friends' compared to the NY ladies who look like random woman thrown in a room together. (p.s - Just saying this now because i've finally finished the reunions of season 7) You know, I was watching season 4 the other day on ITV2 and when Simon said to Jill 'we need to talk' Cindy went over to see him and it looked as if though Simon and Cindy were having it out but it was never shown, I wonder why this was?

Also another thing I picked up, how close Sonja & Mario are always touchy-feely saying they loved each other & Sonja's reaction to Ramona being told there was another woman, could she be the other woman? Maybe I'm looking to much into it lol. I wish the housewife shows had some proper coverage over her in the Uk It's an actual crime Atlanta and Beverilly hills are not shown on a decent channel!! Come on itv2! Now has anybody watched housewives of Vancouver? I set out thinking I was going to hate it!

It didn't have the best start (it's the first time bravo has given the real housewife name to another station to adapt) its now a franchise people! I really thought it was going to turn out to be another Washington or Miami (snooze fests) However it's actually brilliant!!

It's right up there with new jersey and Atlanta as brilliant housewife shows. I know I am well behind most on this thread but ITV2 are now showing the latest OC (7) housewives. Just watched the first 2 episodes just had to comment. Er excuse me but Vicky you gave Don the push and you are drooling over Brook, eww is that the best you can do, only seen about 15 minutes of him, I am not impressed. Gretchen without makeup, crikey, like a different person. Heather, wow what a house, makes the others look down and out. She is quite a gobby.

Alex, what is going on with her and spin the but/bum wheel? Tamara and Eddie, second episode and it looks like it is all over, surely not? Peggy v Alex, actually felt for Peggy So glad this is back - YAY:D Also found out that ITV2 will be showing the latest NY within the next few months (what that means I do not know). I wish the housewife shows had some proper coverage over her in the Uk It's an actual crime Atlanta and Beverilly hills are not shown on a decent channel!! Come on itv2!

Now has anybody watched housewives of Vancouver? I set out thinking I was going to hate it!

It didn't have the best start (it's the first time bravo has given the real housewife name to another station to adapt) its now a franchise people! I really thought it was going to turn out to be another Washington or Miami (snooze fests) However it's actually brilliant!! It's right up there with new jersey and Atlanta as brilliant housewife shows. I agree, the main UK channels are missing a trick with the housewives series.

BH is on Bio now and again, but I keep forgetting to set to record, as I have missed the first series I have now given up on it. Do not know anything about Washington or Miami?:o.