1. Download Panopto Recorder

Downloading the Recorder Users with access to record in BlueCast can download and install the Panopto Recorder software on their own computers. Log into BlueCast at using the BlueLine Account Option.


Note You may need administrator access on your computer to install Panopto. Please contact your for this access. From your Canvas site, click the Panopto Videos button in your course navigation menu. Click on the Create button and select Record a new session (see Fig. 1) from the dropdown menu. Figure 1: Select Record a new session in the dropdown menu.

Click the Download Panopto button in the popup window (see Fig. Figure 2: Click the Download Panopto button.

Save the.pkg recorder file to your computer. After the download is complete, click on the.pkg file to run the installation wizard. The file is most likely in your Downloads folder (see Fig.

Figure 3: Opening the Panopto package file from the Downloads folder in the Doc. Click the Continue button (see Fig. 4) in the Install Panopto Recorder window.

Figure 4: Click the Continue button to allow Panopto to install on your computer. Administrator access may be required to complete this step.

Click through the wizard to the Install Software button. Enter your username and password for the computer and click the button. After Panopto is installed, click the Move to Trash button. In the Panopto screen that appears (see Fig.

4), enter your PawPrint ID and password in the login fields. Figure 4: Enter your Mizzou Pawprint ID and password in the fields. Minimum system requirements and additional instructions are available at. Did you find it helpful?

Linking your Blackboard Course to Panopto To link your Blackboard course to your Panopto video folder for that course, first login to Blackboard as an instructor for the course you’d like to provision. Navigate to the desired course.

On the course page, click the Tools link in the course menu. Under Tools, click the Panopto Focus Content link. If you cannot see the Panopto Focus Content Tool, then go to Control Panel, Customization, Tool Availability and scroll down until you find Panopto Course Tool Application, click in the box next to it, and click on Submit. Click Add Course to Panopto Click Configure. To provision the course, click to highlight the Course Folders that you wish to make Available to this course, click on Add and then click on Submit. You will see a screen confirming that you have provisioned your Blackboard course with a Panopto folder.

Now, put the Tool Link into your course so your students can access the folder (below). If you have copied this course, don’t forget to verify what recordings this link is pointing to. Remove the link from the menu and re-add if it is pointing to the incorrect/old course. Putting a link in Blackboard to all the Panopto Lectures in the course folder: To put links to a single lecture within a Course Module, follow the documentation. In your Blackboard Course, click the little Plus at the upper left, and choose Tool Link. Name the Tool Link something like “Panopto Lectures” and choose the Panopto Course Tool Application.

Click on Available to Users and Submit. After you have launched the Panopto Recorder, check that the audio and video inputs are correct, and enable any secondary capture sources that are required (for example, Screen 2 and/or the Doc Cam in the classrooms, or one of the video cameras in the labs). You can choose whether or not to show the video of yourself, but you must have audio selected. The Standard quality setting is fine. The session name defaults to the date and time, but PLEASE take this opportunity to name the session according to its contents, i.e., Bones of the Wrist, or Causes of the French Revolution, so you and your students can find the correct video later. Choose a folder in which to place this video. If you are capturing a PowerPoint presentation, click on the PowerPoint tab and Open a Presentation and browse to find your slideshow.

If you record a.pps, then the Search functionality within Panopto may not pick up the content of your slides. For the best result, open the.ppt version of your slides. You can choose to start the recording when you start your slideshow, or you can Click on Record and start your slideshow while the recording is running.

To annotate slides (for example, drawing an arrow to a blood vessel, or circling an important item of text, use your desktop or handheld mouse as a marker. At the bottom left of your Powerpoint slide, there are faint Slideshow Control Icons.

Click on the Pen icon and choose Pen to change your cursor into a Pen. When you click on the mouse or trackball and move it, you can annotate the slide. To progress to the next slide, move the cursor to the arrow icon and click on the right arrow to advance, or the left arrow to go back one slide. When you are recording in Panopto, the annotations will only show up when the student chooses to view via Screen View. Documentation for your students on how best to view your dual slideshow videos is. To return to Panopto and stop the recording session, press Alt-Tab to find the that window. When you are finished recording your session, click on Stop.

Uploading your Panopto Video. Webcasting: If you want your students to be able to annotate your live lecture while it is being recorded, then before you click on Record, click the Webcast and Record box in the upper right of your screen: In order to annotate your live lecture, your students will log in to the course via Blackboard and click on the Lecture that is “Recording right now” in your Course Folder. Linking to a single Panopto lecture from within Blackboard: Note: Linking to single lectures from Blackboard will not prevent the students from seeing the other lectures in the course folder. To hide a lecture until you are ready to release it, follow the instructions To put a link in your Blackboard course which points to a single recorded session, go to the Content Area where you wish to put the link. Click on Tools and Panopto Video Link. Copying a single Panopto lecture from one course to another If you don’t want to provision the new course with all the previous course lectures, follow these instructions to copy a single lecture from one course to another:. Find the lecture you want to copy.

Click on Settings, Manage and Copy. Rename the copy. Hiding your videos until you are ready to release them: The Adaptive Release function in Blackboard will not prevent your students from having access to the videos that are in your course folder in Panopto. If you wish to release your videos to your students as the semester progresses, rather than just letting your students view all the videos as they please, you will need to create a subfolder in for your course in Panopto, and store the videos there until you are ready to release them. To do this, right click on the Course Name and choose Create Subfolder.

Name your subfolder something meaningful like CourseIDHidden to remind you that the videos in this folder will not be able to be seen by your students. When you are ready to allow your students to view this video, you will move it out of the Hidden Folder and into the Parent Course Folder, using the same Edit Folder facility. Editing your Panopto Video In order to Edit your Panopto video, navigate to and Sign in with Blackboard. From your Folder, hover over the name of the video you wish to edit and click on Edit. When you get to the Edit Screen, you can play the video from the pane in the upper left corner. You can view the timeline of the audio from the lower right. To view the timeline in more detail, click on the + Magnifying Glass icon.

To edit out bits of the video, click on the scissors that are above the timeline. Move the black line to the beginning of the content you want to hide. Then move the black line to the end of the content you want to hide. This will create a dark “window shade” over the content that will not be played. This content will not be removed from Panopto, it will just not be played.

You can make the shade shorter or longer in each direction by clicking on the little yellow tabs and dragging them. To check you have edited out the correct section, play the video again from the controls on the upper left. After you have completed making your edits, click on the Save button at the upper right. You can make different recordings (with different edits) from the same original material and using Save As instead. More information from Panopto about advanced editing is: Moving your Panopto Video to another folder: To move your Panopto video from one folder to another, log into with your Blackboard credentials. Find the folder of the course you want to move your video FROM.

Click on Settings and then where it says Folder, click on Edit. Click on the dropdown arrow next to the folder name, choose the folder you want to copy TO and click on Save. Showing and Recording a Laser-like Pointer or Highlighter If you are recording the Slideshow and want to user your cursor as a pointer, and make sure your students can see it on the recording, as well as in the classroom, you will need to Capture Primary Screen as well as Capturing the Powerpoint. Start the slideshow and right click to choose Pointer Options and Highlighter. Then right click again and choose Pointer Options and Ink Color and choose a color that will show up well against your slides. Now your cursor will be larger and more colorful, and you can also draw arrows with it. When your slideshow finishes, and you are asked if you want to keep your ink annotations, be sure to choose DISCARD, or those arrows will be saved on your slides.

To start Panopto recording after you have the two slideshows on the correct screens, press F8. To pause or resume recording, press F9. Recording a Panopto Lecture that isn’t in a Blackboard Course 1) Follow the instructions here to log into Panopto: 2) Before clicking on the Create and Record a New Session icon, click on Create and Folder. Name the folder something like ED606Hidden, so you will know that it is holding your ED606 lectures but these ones are hidden from students.

3) Continue with the recording instructions in 1) but make sure you are storing the recording in the Hidden folder. 4) When you are ready to “share” this recording, make sure your Blackboard course has been configured for Panopto, by following the instructions here:.

Then move your lecture from the Hidden folder into the regular Blackboard course folder which you are provisioning in your course as described here: Make old lectures available for Audio Podcast and RSS Feeds 1) Log into 2) Navigate to your folders by clicking the Folders in the left-hand column (a) or See All Folder: Go to a specific folder (b) or 3) Select the folder with the lectures you wish to make available for Audio Podcast and RSS Feeds. 4) Point to the Lecture and select the Settings button 5) Select Manage from the left menu list. Under Processing management, click Re-encode podcasts. 7) Click OK on the Message Box.During the re-encoding mobile and embedded viewing will be unavailable until encoding is finished. Time varies depending on the length of the lecture. 8) Close the Settings Box 9) You can view the progress of the re-encoding by looking at the lecture in the folder list view.

Once processing is complete, students will be able to download the audio podcast for your lecture. 10) To make sure the re-encoding created the Audio Podcast, go to Settings Outputs Audio Podcast at the bottom. There is now options to play, download, or subscribe to the podcast. Downloading a Course Lecture. Log in to the site the Mary Baldwin site. Open the Course Folder. Click the Settings link for the Lecture you would like to download.

In the Settings window click Outputs There are 2 types of Outputs you can download:. Video Podcast (mp4).

Audio Podcast (mp3). To Download the lecture, click the Download Podcast link to the right of your selection. The file will be sent to your Download folder on your PC. Additional download options can be found. Creating a Drop Box (Student Recordings) What does a drop box do exactly?

Essentially, enabling a drop box on a folder grants Viewers an extra ability; they can record and submit content to a designated folder without being able to view or edit other user’s sessions. Drop boxes enable Viewer users in their course (parent) folder to create and manage their own content, while preventing them from viewing other users’ content that has not been explicitly shared or made public.

Instructions: To create a Drop Box, you will need to log into the Site. Once you have logged into the site, navigate to your course folder. Click Setting. From the Overview Tab, click Create Drop Box. Once the Drop Box is created, you can close the Settings window. Your course will now have a sub-folder with your Course Name and drop box Student’s will only be able to see their own recordings within the Drop Box unless the Instructor changes the folder settings:. Open the drop box folder and click Settings.

Click Settings on the left-hand navigation. Check the box next to “ Allow viewers to see each other’s sessions.” if you would like the students to see each other’s videos. How To Upload Non-Panopto Video Files Unison is a media management system available within the Mary Baldwin site.

Panopto Unison brings the Panopto’s features – search, editing, desktop and mobile viewing, analytics, and more – to any video created with any camera. You can upload existing video archives, cell phone video, and just about any media you can play on your computer. Additional privileges may be required to upload external files to Panopto. If you cannot see the options listed below, contact OIT.


Instructions:. Log in to the Mary Baldwin site.

Click on the Create button at the top of the screen and select Upload Video. If you do not have the Upload Video option, contact OIT to obtain the Unison License. Select the folder you wish to upload your videos to. Locate the media file(s) being uploaded to Panopto and drag them into the designated area. Multiple files can be added at a time. A Working progress bar will appear while file is being upload. Click Stop to Cancel the upload.

Once the video has finished uploading, you can click on the name to change it or click the “ X“in the top-right corner to close the upload window. The Unison window allows you to view settings, share, edit, play & delete the media.

Additional Unison Information:. Loading a Visimeet Recording to Panopto Intro: Due to the format of a Visimeet recording, Panopto requires it to be saved to a format that it recognizes. This means that the Visimeet recording saved in a.webm format must be converted to a.mp4 format before uploading your recording to Panopto. This can be done using VLC Media Player and is a very straight-forward process.

Converting your Video:. Open VLC Media player. If you do not have it installed, you may download it. Select MEDIA then CONVERT/SAVE from the menu.

Select ADD to locate your video and select OPEN. Select CONVERT/SAVE at the bottom of the dialog box. From the selection box for PROFILE, select Video – H.264 + MP3 (TS). Select the BROWSE button next to the DESTINATION FILE box and select a location to store your converted video and give it a name. Do not change the TYPE. Then select SAVE.

Select START to begin the conversion process. Notes: You can track progress of the conversion on the bottom of the program. As a reference, a 1.5 hour.webm video takes approximately eight minutes to convert. Do not run any other programs while the conversion process is running.

Once finished, you may upload your video to Panopto using instructions found. Using Statistics in Panopto. Log into the Mary Baldwin site using your Blackboard credentials. There are two ways to navigate to the analytics view.

– Click on “All Folders” – In the right hand side in the column of the folder you would like statistics for, click on the “Stats” button. – If you have already navigated to a folder, click the “Stats” button in the upper right of the interface. Either Method will take you to the stats overview: The graph is set to “ Past Month” as default. This chart shows the amount of views based on the day of the previous month. (Stats can be viewed by the Past Day, Past Week, Past Year, All Time, or Custom.). Statistics can also be viewed in Excel format by clicking “Download”.

The excel will show a Timestamp, Session Name, Minutes Viewed and the User Name of who viewed it. Below the graph, you can see information based on specific folders such as Views, Unique Viewers, and Minutes Viewed. ( This information can also be viewed in an Excel format) Lecture Statistics: The same information can be viewed for a specific lecture rather than the entire course by clicking the Stats button under the lecture. When viewing individual lecture statistics, top 100 viewers will be displayed by minutes: Updating Panopto Recorder.

Download Panopto Recorder

Log into the Mary Baldwin Panopto site with your blackboard credentials. (h). Click the icon in the upper-right corner of your screen. (The download button will not appear if you do not have right to recorder to a folder.).

Click the correct Download Installer for your type of device. Double click the program (The file will be stored in your downloads folder with the name panoptorecorder.exe). Follow the on screen instruction to complete the install.

Installing Panopto on a PC. First, a course in Blackboard for Panopto.

Navigate to the Mary Baldwin Panopto site at. Login with you Blackboard credentials. Click the Download Panopto icon in the upper-right-hand corner under your name. ( The download button will not appear if you do not have rights to recorder to a folder.). Click the appropriate PC Download Installer button. Open the Panopto Recorder.pkg file located in the download folder.

Click Continue. Click Install.

Click Close Installing Panopto on a MAC. First, a course in Blackboard for Panopto. Navigate to the Mary Baldwin Panopto site at. Login with you Blackboard credentials. Click the Download Panopto icon in the upper-right-hand corner under your name.

( The download button will not appear if you do not have rights to recorder to a folder.). Click the MAC Download Installer button. Open the Panopto Recorder.pkg file located in the download folder. Click Continue. Click Install.

Enter you MAC Username and Password. Click Close Logging into Panopto on a MAC. Click the Launch icon, open Panopto. Click the Log in button. Select Blackboard from the Providers list. Enter you Blackboard Credentialscb, check the Save Logon and Password box, then press Login when the Bb login screen appears. When you are ready to record, press the Create a New Recording button.

Select you recording options and pres Start Recording. Adding a Quiz to a Panopto Lecture shows how to add a short quiz to a point in the Panopto Quiz timeline.

Shows how to create a link in Blackboard so that the Panopto Quiz results will show in the Blackboard Full Grade Center. This video shows the entire process: In order to link the Panopto Quiz results to the grade center in Blackboard, you need to send your students to the Panopto lecture NOT from a Lectures tab or via some other method but from a Panopto Assignment: Create the Panopto Assignment from Assessments, Panopto Quiz. Enable Evaluation. Say how many points you are using (you can pick the number of questions, or 10 or 100, it will figure out the grade based on how many questions the student answered correctly and calculate the%). Make sure it is Visible to Students and set Dates for visibility if appropriate, and a Due Date (which doesn’t stop them taking the quiz after the due date as long as the link is Visible) and Submit. The Panopto Quiz assignment has now placed a column in the gradebook. Final step: connecting your Panopto Assignment in blackboard to the Panopto video.

Staying in Blackboard, click on the Panopto Assignment you just created (not the dropdown) but the actual name of the assignment. Now that you are in the assignment, click on the dropdown provided to select the Panopto folder in which your video/quiz is located. Then select your video and hit insert. When the student takes the quizzes by clicking on the Panopto Assignment link, it will add up all the points in the lecture and transfer the Grade into the Full Grade Center. Embedding a YouTube video in your Panopto Lecture To embed a YouTube video, click on Edit when you hover over your lecture: Click on the timeline where you want to insert the YouTube video.

Then click on the Add a YouTube Video Icon. Where it says Link, enter the URL of the Youtube video.

Adjust the point in the timeline if necessary. In Start put how many minutes and seconds into the YouTube video you want the embedded video to start. At End, put how many minutes into the YouTube video that you want the embedded video to stop.

Click on Publish. Embedding a web page into a Panopto Recording To embed a webpage into your Panopto video, click on Edit when you hover over your lecture: Click on the timeline where you want to insert the webpage and then click on the Add a webpage icon.

Enter a title and paste the URL of the website you would like to display at this point in the recording. Adjust the time you want this webpage to display in the Panopto recording. Click on Save. Click on Publish.

Please note that there will be no sound while the website displays. After the student is finished exploring the website, they will need to click on Play again to continue to view the recording.